Founded in 1959, the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters (HKACMGM) aims at providing professional support for all front-line guidance and career guidance practitioners in secondary schools of Hong Kong. Over the years, we have been endeavouring to serve local careers and guidance/counselling practitioners and fostering professional development in the area. We have been supporting our 400 plus member schools to promote quality works with respect to life planning education and career guidance, general student guidance and whole-person development. 香港輔導教師協會成立於一九五九年,宗旨是為所有前線的中學輔導及升學輔導老師提供支援(註冊慈善團體名稱:「香港輔導教師協會有限公司」)。多年來,我們致力向會員學校(現每年中學會員數目為約四百間)的輔導及升學輔導老師提供支援和專業培訓,促進生涯規劃教育、學生輔導及全人發展工作。

Our Team 我們的團隊

會員學校名單School Member List
入會方法Joining Us

What we do 我們的工作
Seminars, Workshops, tasters and professional development programmes 講座、研討會、工作坊、實習及培訓
Seminars and workshops are organized for careers teachers and guidance teachers, on topics ranging from life planning education and career guidance, occupation and trainings, multiple pathways, mental health, positive education and school counselling. 本會每年均為會員學校舉辦不同類型的講座、工作坊、參觀及考察 ;範疇包括:生涯規劃教育、職業及培訓機會、多元出路、精神健康、正向教育、校園輔導等


Development of learning/assessment tools and related research for schools to develop career planning education 研發給學校發展生涯規劃的學習/評估工具及相關研究

Supported by the Curriculum Development Institute and with the concerted effort of many scholars and experienced career counselors, HKACMGM has developed, compiled and published career development and assessment tools and courses suitable for Hong Kong's educational context and local culture since 2007. "Finding your Colors of Life" and "Career Mapping" are career and life planning education tools and curriculum developed for junior high school and high school students respectively. They are available in Chinese and English. Since 2008, they have received very positive responses. Over 100 public seminars / school-based teacher training workshops have been conducted to help teachers master the skills and knowledge of using this tool to help students plan their lives. With the change in multiple pathways and further education system, the two sets of tools are constantly updated, and the latest version were launched in 2021.

The myCareerMap online career planning assessment platform ( has been in operation since 2009. It provides evidence-based career development assessment tools for counselors and students, and has also become an important support for individual student planning. Since 2020, we have collaborated with Dr. Mantak Yuan of the University of Hong Kong to launch the LIFE+ life skills/career development assessment for both primary and secondary schools. School counselors will receive a group analysis report (individual assessment reports available for secondary student participants) , to facilitate teachers to understand the developmental characteristics and needs of students, so as to provide timely support and personal counselling.
本會得到課程發展處贊助計劃,並集結多位學者及富經驗的事業輔導老師的努力,自 2007 年開始,研發、編寫、出版適用於香港學制及文化的生涯發展及評估工具、課程等。 《尋找生命的色彩》及《生涯地圖》分別為初中及高中學生而開發的生涯規劃教育課程,設中、英文版,自 2008 年以來,得到非常正面的反應,至今已進行超過百場公開或校本教師培訓工作坊,幫助老師掌握運用這工具的竅門和知識,協助學生規劃人生。隨著多元出路和升學制度的轉變,兩套教材不斷更新,2021 年推出最新版本。

myCareerMap網上生涯規劃評估平台( 由 2009 年開始運作,為輔導人員、學生提供實證為本的生涯發展評估工具,也成為個人化生涯輔導的重要支援。 2020 年開始,我們與香港大學袁文得博士合作,推出 LIFE+ 生活技能/生涯及正向發展評估,並設中、小學版本,學校輔導人員都會得到群體分析報告(中學生參與者提供個人評估報告),促進老師掌握學生群體的發展特質和需要,提供適時支援及個人輔導。

Careers Guidance Handbook for Secondary School Graduates 與教育局合作出版

Working collaboratively with the Education Bureau in providing DSE graduates with updated and useful information regarding their further studies, the Careers Guidance Handbook for Secondary School Graduates is published in mid-June every year. All publications are well-received by teachers, students and parents as a resourceful and informative data bank and references. 本會與教育局高等教育部合作出版中學畢業生升學輔導手冊,派發給全港中學畢業生,讓他們為放榜作好準備。

Summer Career-Related Experiences Scheme (SCRES) 暑期事業體驗計劃
With the support of around 20 organizations and the EDB, SCRES 教育局每年均與本會合辦暑期事業體驗計劃

provides 每年安排約
~200 200
S.5-6 students 中五及中六學生
the work experience of different jobs during the summer vacation to gloom their soft skills and to acquire knowledge of the working world from their first hand experience. 在暑假期間到不同機構體驗數星期,了解各行業的運作,明瞭工作所需的能力、態度和其他要求,令同學們在踏入工作世界前能好好裝備自己。

e-Newsletter 電子會訊

The e-newsletters are published to report on the activities organized by the Association and the latest developments in the education sector, such as multiple pathways under the new academic structure, comprehensive guidance programs and information on overseas studies. 本會每年會出版的電子會訊,報導本會舉辦的活動,以及教育界之最新發展,如新學制下之多元出路、全方位輔導計劃和海外升學資訊等。

Multiple pathways, JUPAS Seminar and JUPAS statistics platform 多元出路、聯招講座及聯招數據平台

In order to equip career teachers and counselors with the knowledge and skills to assist senior form students to make informed choices for their university application, the Association organizes JUPAS Seminar every year, in which representatives of JUPAS participating institutions are invited to explain their latest developments and answer teachers’ questions. In response to the Education Bureau’s introduction of the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors ( SSSDP), tertiary institutions concerned are also invited as guest speakers in the Jupas Seminar. The website of the Association has set up a multiple pathway resource platform, which is open to school teachers, counselors, students and parents, providing the latest information on local and overseas studies, and related career and life planning teacher training resources. The JUPAS STATISTICS online platform is a unique search engine of the Association, which collects the results of more than 10,000 students from our member schools admitted by JUPAS participating institutions every year. This platform provides authentic and reliable reference data for school teachers to conduct career interviews with their students. 為協助升學輔導老師指導高中學生揀選大學課程,本會每年都舉辦大學聯招講座,邀請聯招院校代表講解最新發展,及解答老師問題;因應教育局推出指定專業/界別課程資助計劃 (SSSDP),本會特意加插參與計劃院校的獨立環節。 本會網頁設多元出路資源平台,開放予輔導老師、學生及家長,提供本地及海外升學的最新資訊,及相關的生涯規劃教師培訓資源。 聯招數據網上平台為本會獨有的搜尋器,整理從會員學校收集得來,每年萬多個獲聯招取錄學生的文憑試成績資料,為輔導老師輔及高中學生選校及選科時提供實用而可靠的參考數據。

Responding to educational policies related to secondary career education, counselling and post-secondary education 回應與中學生涯教育、輔導工作與專上教育相關的教育政策

There are several measures in the education reforms over the past years are closely related to school career education and student guidance, including Applied Learning, reform/ optimization of the senior secondary curriculum, multiple pathways for the new academic structure, student learning profile, promotion of career and life planning policies and allocation of related grants, qualifications framework, prevention of students suicide, vocational and professional education, etc. In response to these changes, the Association actively collects, consolidates and reflects the concerns and opinions of frontline teachers to the Education Bureau and different stakeholders. 因應近年教育改革中有幾個與學校生涯教育及學生輔導息息相關的措施,包括應用學習課程、高中學制改革、新學制多元出路、學生學習概覽、生涯規劃政策的推動及撥款分配、資歷架構、防止學童自殺、職業專才教育等,本會積極從教師的角度向教育局及不同持份者提出前線工作者的關注及意見

Promotion of positive education, well-being and mental health on campus 推動正向教育,促進校園身心靈健康

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the three-year Jockey Club Project Well-being is a concerted endeavour among the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters & Guidance Masters Limited (HKACMGM), College of Professional & Continuing Education of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (CPCE), Po Leung Kuk (PLK), Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) and 15 local primary and secondary schools, which aims at developing students’ social and emotional skills, positive mindsets and resilience, and cultivating an enabling school culture by place-making, design thinking and other multimedia tools so as to improve well-being in students, teachers and parents. Complementary to the initiative is to construct a well-being resource platform, as well as to co-create an effective, contextualized and sustainable model of positive education.

A designated team has been set up to develop and execute Jockey Club Project Well-being. For more details, please refer to


Most of our widely recognized activities/services are only available to our member schools, including: 本會大部份廣受認同和支持的活動/服務,

JUPAS Statistics (JUPAS Data Platform) JUPAS Statistics(聯招數據平台)
In 2021, more than 14,000 university admission cases through JUPAS (with HKDSE results) were collected, compiled and shared with teachers/students 2021 年整理超過 14,000 個大學入學個案的中學文憑試成績,供老師/同學參考
JUPAS Seminar and a series of talks on multiple pathways for the new academic structure 聯招答問大會及一系列有關新學制多元出路的講座
Career and life planning and student guidance on-campus teacher professional training 生涯規劃及輔導到校教師專業培訓

由協會推動的計劃Projects by HKACMGM

賽馬會幸福校園實踐計劃Jockey Club Project Well-being

「賽馬會幸福校園實踐計劃」由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,並由香港輔導教師協會、香港理工大學專業及持續教育學院、保良局、東華三院及 15 所本地中小學主辦,為期三年,旨在透過專業及全面的正向教育培訓和支援,15 所學校的共創共建,配合「環境營造」、「設計思維」與多媒體教育資源,培養學生的社交情意素養、正向思維和心理韌性,營造及建立正向的校園文化,從而提昇學生、教師、家長的幸福感與身、心、靈健康。計劃亦會建立資源庫,與學界共建高效、適切及可持續發展的正向教育模式。 Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the three-year Jockey Club Project Well-being is a concerted endeavor among the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters & Guidance Masters Limited (HKACMGM), College of Professional & Continuing Education of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (CPCE), Po Leung Kuk (PLK), Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) and 15 local primary and secondary schools, which aims at developing students’ social and emotional skills, positive mindsets and resilience, and cultivating an enabling school culture by place-making, design thinking and other multimedia tools so as to improve well-being in students, teachers and parents. Complementary to the initiative is to construct a well-being resource platform, as well as to co-create an effective, contextualized and sustainable model of positive education.

前往網站 Website

給守望者計劃To the Watchman

《給守望者》計劃獲香港賽馬會慈善信托基金及香港教師中心分別贊助兩階段,印製資源予全港 474 所中學使用,總受惠人數超過四萬人次;製作「守望小故事」一分鐘短片及十段及主題曲,推廣精神健康及正向情緒能量;舉辦「校園情緒教育:靜觀教師培訓」,分層(基礎培訓工作坊、到校支援)幫助學校輔導人員自我照顧、適時在校推動靜觀作為建立正向情緒的策略之一,約 270 教師/輔導人員受訓,預計在學受惠學生人數可達二十萬。

The "To-the-Watchman" project was sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and the Hong Kong Teachers' Centre in two phases respectively. The resources were printed and used in 474 secondary schools in Hong Kong, with the total number of beneficiaries exceeding 40,000。10 One-minute short videos of "Watching Stories" and a theme song were produced to promote mental health and positive emotions. "School Emotional Education: Mindfulness Teacher Training"(basic training workshops and on-campus school support) were organized to promote self-care among school teachers/ counsellors and mindfulness as one of the strategies to promote positive emotions at school. WIth 270 teachers and school counsellors. It is estimated that the number of students benefiting from the study reached 200,000.

The association worked with different groups and young people to make multiple sets of graphic electronic bookmarks/tools


Individual Planning Resource 個人生涯規劃資源站
With the theme of preparing secondary school students from a career guidance perspective", HKACMGM integrates students' exploration of personal aspirations and career planning into "Other Learning Experiences" as an important part of "career-related experiences" (CRE). Relevant resources in line with the local 3-3-4 academic curriculum, further education and the latest development of the labour market have been developed. Resources include:
香港輔導教師協會有限公司以「從生涯輔導角度為中學生作準備」為主題,將學生探索個人抱負及生涯規劃融入「其他學習經歷」中,作為「與工作有關的經驗」的重要部份,製作配合本地三三四學制及升學就業情況的相關資源。 資源包括:

1. Finding Your Colours of Life: NSS Subject Choices and the Development of Career Aspirations (2021 Edition) 1. 《尋找生命的色彩:新高中科目選擇及個人抱負的探索》2021 年版
Finding Your Colours of Life is a comprehensive career counseling tool written for junior secondary students. Through exploring junior secondary students’ personal development and areas of study, assisting them to reflect on what they have gained from other learning experiences, and allowing them to experience a series of challenging activities, etc., the tool allows students to experience the process of self-discovery in an in-depth and continuous manner, and guides them to confirm their learning goals in senior form studies and improve their personal learning and social skills. 《尋找生命的色彩》是為初中學生編寫的綜合生涯輔導工具。透過綜合介紹初中生的發展路向和學習領域、協助學生反思從其他學習經歷中所得到的體會、讓學生體驗連串具挑戰性的活動等,從而深入地、持續地經歷自我發現的過程,以幫助初中學生確認高中學習目標,提升個人學習及社交能力。

2. Career Mapping: Career Development Tools for Senior Secondary Students (2021 Edition) 2. 《生涯地圖:高中事業發展學習工具》(2021 年版)
Career Mapping is a career planning tool designed to meet the needs of senior secondary students in their further studies and career development. Through a variety of activities such as self-understanding, exploration of personal learning style, career orientation, etc., students are enabled to revise their senior study plans and to prepare for their further education and vocational training. Also, the tool can help students integrate personal growth experience and other learning experiences to create their personal career development profiles and relevant sections in the Student Learning Profile. Other resources available in the toolinclude: guidelines and suggestions to assist students to write their self-account, information on multiple pathways for senior secondary school students and admission requirements, and updated Holland code according to the refined senior curriculum of the new academic system.

This tool is a joint effort of local scholars, members of HKACMGM and front-line career counsellors, compiled by applying Holland's theory. It is a unique resource about the university programmes, post-secondary courses and job lists in Hong Kong. Through the course of senior secondary studies, students are empowered to make an "informed choice" of their further education and career path. The 2021 edition has a comprehensive update of information on multiple pathways for senior secondary students, and includes the latest versions of the lists of local degree programmes, sub-degree programmes and Holland occupation codes.

此工具由本地學者、香港輔導教師協會及多位前線事業輔導人員撰寫,其中應用荷倫理論而編寫,有關香港的大學課程、大專課程及職業列表更是獨有資源,希望同學透過持續幾年的課堂參與,能為個人升學及就業路向作出「充分知情的選擇」(informed choice)。2021 年版全面更新高中學生多元出路資料,又收錄三個最新版本的學位課程、副學位課程及職業荷倫事業興趣代碼分類表。

Finding Your Colours of LIfe and Career Mapping are written in line with students' career development needs and different learning stages, which allow them to comprehensively and continuously review the learning process of junior and senior secondary studies. When students complete their Secondary 6 studies, they can also choose to top up information related to their studies or other learning experiences to these tools to compile a systematic secondary school career profile. These records can as well provide students with practical basis for preparation of their Student Learning Profile (SLP). 《尋找生命的色彩》及《生涯地圖》配合學生在不同的學習階段的生涯發展需要及任務,讓學生完整並持續地檢視初中及高中的學習歷程,學生甚至可以在中六畢業的時候,加上與學業相關或其他學習經歷的資料,結合成一個有系統的中學生涯檔案。這些紀錄將為學生將來準備「學生學習概覽」(Student Learning Profile; SLP)提供實用的基礎資料。

3. Career Fingerprint 3. 《生涯指紋》排咭工具系列
Career Fingerprint is a series of card sorts developed to facilitate career guidance work at school. Currently, our resources include: 《生涯指紋》為由本會發展一系列生涯發展排咭工具的統稱。現階段包括:

A. Career Fingerprint: Occupation Cards A. 《生涯指紋:職業咭》
Bilingual, colour-printed; consisting of 50 occupation cards and 6 category cards 中英對照,全彩色印刷;50 張職業咭, 6 張分類咭。

B. Career Fingerprint: Exploring Skills B. 《生涯指紋:探索技能》
Bilingual; consisting of 54 skills/style cards and 8 category cards 中英對照;54 張技能/風格咭、8 張分類咭。

In 2009, HKACMGM and Professor Chui Yat Hung jointly published the first edition of "Occupation Cards". In a relaxing and interactive environment, participants, with the company of counsellors or game-mates, are invited to evaluate and reflect on their impressions of different occupations through various card arrangement activities. In the process, they are empowered to get to know themselves, their professional values, abilities, interests, and vision for future work.

In recent years, more and more discussions on human resource development have focused on the importance of "skills", "competency" and "styles" to the younger generation. In 2016, HKACMGM collaborated with Professor Chui Yat Hung and some experienced counsellors, in an attempt to develop the card sort "Career Fingerprints: Exploring Skills" to promote students' understanding of personal skills, work ability, work style and attitude patterns. By drawing the relationship between these characteristics and different occupations, students are encouraged to make continuous progress, explore different possibilities, and develop action plans for their goals.

Both sets of cards are suitable for individual counselling or in-class group activities (one set is recommended for groups of four to six people). The 2022 version has redesigned packaging to make it more convenient to use. The "User Manual" (including the suggested activities and debriefing skills) can be downloadable from the QR Code printed on the card box.
2009 年本會與崔日雄教授合作出版「職業咭」第一版,參與者與輔導人員或同行伙伴在輕鬆、互動的環境下,藉排咭活動反思個人對不同職業可能的印象、過程中認識自己的職業價值、能力、興趣、對非來工作的願景等。

近年愈來愈多有關人力資源發展的討論,關注「技能」(skills)、「素養」(competency) 、「工作風格」(styles) 對年青一代的重要性。2016 年本會再與崔教授及資深輔導人員合作,開發《生涯指紋:探索技能篇》,促進學生了解個人的技能、工作能力、工作風格和態度的模式,以及這些特質與不同職業的關係,鼓勵學生持續進步、探索不同的可能,進而為目標訂立行動計劃。

兩套咭均適用於個人輔導或班內小組活動(建議每四至六人一組用一套)。2022 年版本重新設計包裝,更方便使用,透過盒上的QR Code,就可取得網上的「使用手冊」(包括活動流程、解說技巧)。

4. DreamCrafter 4. 《築夢工程 2.0 - 桌上遊戲》
"Dreamcrafter" is a board game based on Holland's career interest theory. It can be used in conjunction with our life-planning publications, "Finding Your Colours of Life", "Career Mapping" and “Occupation Card Sort”, as well as any other life-planning activities. The board game can help teenagers to find their dreams and motivation to learn. It can also be part of counselling or homeroom activities in any classrooms.

The design idea of ​​the board game comes from two motivated and enthusiastic front-line career teachers, who have dreamt of helping teenagers find their dreams through their favourite board games. Through using beautifully designed pictures of 120 kinds of occupations in Hong Kong, students are not only inspired to explore these different occupations, but also deepen their understanding of themselves, enhance their competitiveness, understand the world of work and set goals. The project has also fulfilled the dreams of several students from the Hong Kong Design Institute, VTC, who were in charge of the graphic design of the game. In "Dreamcrafter 2.0", 16 "situation cards" are added to stimulate players to consider different factors when planning for the future, together with different gameplay guidelines, allowing counsellors to use them flexibly in different scenarios.

遊戲的設計意念源自兩位充滿幹勁熱誠的前線生涯輔導老師,他們夢想透過自己酷愛的桌上遊戲,幫助青少年找尋自己的夢和理想。遊戲搜集了 120 種香港職業以精美圖畫啟發學生對不同職業的探索,通過遊戲亦協助他們加深對自己了解丶提升競爭力,認識工作世界以及訂立目標。計畫亦成就了幾位來自香港知專設計學院設計系的學生夢想,他們負責遊戲的圖像設計,學以致用,一展所長。《築夢工程 2.0 版》加入了 16 張「處境咭」,啟發玩家在計劃未來時要考量不同因素外,更有不同的玩法指引,讓輔導人員於不同的場景靈活使用。

5. 21-Day Challenge (published by Jockey Club Project Well-being) 5. 幸福歷程小書:《21天- 看見不一樣的自己》(由本會名下「賽馬會幸福校園實踐計劃」出版)
The publication is a joint effort of the Jockey Club Project Well-being and Dustykid, in an attempt to allow students to attain personal well-being through achieving a 21-day challenge. The 50-page, colour-printed publication is designed in a form of self-reflection record, supplemented by agreeable and mind-soothing graphics and quotations designed by the professional team of Dustykid. 由「賽馬會幸福校園實踐計劃」與 Dustykid 「塵」團隊的全新創作,以輕鬆好玩的筆觸,與學生們在 21 天一同實踐有幸福感的生活目標。全書 50 頁,全彩印刷,有空間讓學生記錄過程感受及經歷,配以獨特有趣的圖像和字句,讓「塵」與學生一起踏上 21 天的旅程,過程中陪伴、打氣。

The ‘21-Day Challenge’ can adopted in forms of:
  • Individual / Class-based / Form-based Well-being Summer Mission, or any other self-advancement scheme at school
  • A component in Positive Education curriculum at school
  • Souvenirs or gifts for Positive Education Week at school
  • Gifts to graduates - as reminders to continue to set goals in life
  • Year-end gifts to teachers, as token of appreciation to their hard work
  • Parent-child activities or gifts to children
  • Any other suitable scenarios
《21天 – 遇見不一樣的自己》可以應用於:
  • 個人/班本/級本的Well-being Summer Mission/幸福目標實踐計劃,也可同時設置不同獎項鼓勵學生參與
  • 正向教育課堂的內容/行動設計大綱
  • 正向教育週的活動禮物或紀念品
  • 學生的畢業禮物,鼓勵學生繼續建立生活小目標
  • 學期結束,作為欣賞教師努力的禮物
  • 家長與孩子一起的親子活動禮物及行動
  • 其他

JUPAS Statistics Platform 聯招數據平台
The JUPAS STATISTICS online platform is a unique search engine of the Association, which collects the validated results of more than 10,000 students admitted by JUPAS participating institutions from our member schools every year. The JUPAS STATISTICS online platform provides authentic and reliable admission data form various JUPAS participating-institutions in a standardised format for career guidance teachers and students to facilitate sequencing and searching. Teachers and students of our member schools can login to the online platform to access the data through the school system. 聯招數據網上平台為本會獨有的搜尋器,整理從會員學校收集得來,每年萬多個獲聯招取錄學生的文憑試成績資料。本平台為生涯輔導老師及高中學生選校及選科時提供實用而可靠的參考數據,並將參與聯招系統的各專上教育院校所提供的入學資訊統一格式,方便排序及搜索。會員學校的師生必須經學校系統登入方可查閱聯招數據網上平台的資料。
myCareerMap 生涯及生活技能網上評估平台
myCareerMap is an online inventory platform developed locally with an aim to allow students and schools to understand how individual and societal factors such as life skills, connectedness, self-efficacy and meaning in life affect the growth and development of teenagers, as well as their positive mindset towards life. Since 2004, HKACMGM has aligned with an expert team of HKU CAISE, supervised by Dr Yuen Mantak, in conducting a series of research work, the results of which were deployed as the theoretical foundation for the development of the online platform, providing two inventory versions namely LIFE+ and CAREER+. In LIFE+, students are enabled to explore various aspects of their own psychological development (as illustrated in the exemplar report). The inventory lasts for 40 minutes, and can be conducted using laptop computers, mobile phones and tablets. While secondary students can get access to their Student Report, school personnel can arrange and download their Group Report by ‘sub-group’ or ‘form of study’. The data collected can be reviewed by schools for longitudinal planning, which can be used for facilitation of guidance work, life-planning and life education. Based on HOLLAND code, CAREER+ (designed for secondary school users and attached to LIFE+ accounts) is the most recently developed search engine on local degree, sub-degree and vocational courses, which provides tremendous support to teachers and students on multiple pathways. In 2021-22, LIFE+, targeting primary school students was devised. The reliability and validity of the inventory has been proved. myCareerMap 生涯及生活技能網上評估平台為發展本地可信及有效的評估工具,給學生及學校了解個人及群組於生活技能、聯繫感、自我效能及生命意義等影響青少年成長及正向發展的特質及進程,本會與香港大學教育學院「融合與特殊教育研究發展中心」袁文得博士合作,以研究團隊自 2004 年開始於香港進行的一系列研究結果為基礎,開發網上平台myCareerMap,設 LIFE+及CAREER+ 評估套。LIFE+以自我滙報(self-report)的形式評估學生對多個心理發展範疇的觀感(參考附件學生個人報告範本)。學生可以透過電腦、手機或平板電腦於40分鐘內完成評估,除個人報告(Student Report;中學生適用)外,學校輔導人員可按需要分組、分級下載群組報告(Group Report),作為個人輔導工作的參考、分析學生成長支援的需要等。未來,學校可跟據群體及跨學年數據,設計或評估學校計劃以提升學生學習效能,了解個人社交及生涯及才能發展的狀況,對整體學生成長支援工作(包括輔導、生涯規劃、生命教育範疇),皆有幫助。 CAREER+(中學適用,已附加於LIFE+個人戶口)為Holland code相關最新的本地學位、副學位課程及職業搜尋器,有助升學輔導老師和高中學生因應不同的事業興趣,聚焦探索出路選擇。2021-22 學年,LIFE+增設小學版本(評估內容經實証研究確認信度與效度,適用於高小學生)。

The table below outlines the contents of LIFE+ (with both Chinese and English versions, available for students’ choice): 下表為 LIFE+ 內容(設中文及英文版本,學生可選中或英文作答):
Student Well-being & Outcome Indicators Survey
Components/ Constructs
(for secondary students)
~30-40 min
(For primary students)
~30 min
Hemingway—Measure of Adolescent Connectedness SF Chinese Primary 2020 N.A. N.A.
Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ)
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Short Form (CAAS-SF)
Brief Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS)
Career and Talent Development Scale N.A.
Personal Self-Efficacy Scale Randomly complete one of the four
Academic Self-Efficacy Scale
Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale
Social Self-Efficacy Scale
Dispositional Hope Scale (DHS)
Triarchic Model of Grit Scale (TMGS)
The Student Career Construction Inventory N.A.
Outcome Indicator Survey
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)
Personal Particulars